Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Calliope (cat update)

--Or as I like to call her, my folk rocker cat, ala Ani or Dar or the Indigo Girls or Mary Chapin or Joan or Carole, etc. I played Mary Chapin, the Indigo Girls, Ani and so forth while I was getting her used to my apt and me and Alistair. Alistair is still of course the Glam Rock, Pretty Vacant Boy, Superstar Cat.
--She is sehr, sehr sweet, though seems to have some abandonment issues and other types of stuff that I need to be dealing with. I swear I wasn't trying to cause Alanis, Fiona type problems in calling her my musician cat. And okay, yes, internalization is problematic as usual. I.e., mine. And okay, she was found, and she's a Calico/Short Hair/Siamese mix. The Siamese is less obvious than in other Siamese, but still there.
--So, she will be going to the vet soon, soon, soon.
--And her songs are Ani's "Not a Pretty Girl" which seeped out of me one day, "Sweet Jane" by Cowboy Junkies, and "Sunday Girl" by Blondie.
--Ali's latest song is "Glamour Boy" by Living Color in an ironic way. Particularly the lyric, "I ain't no glamour boy; I'm fierce" since he is a fluffy black cat who is afraid of bubbles.

Okay, enough burbling about the cats and enough computering. Time to get off the chair.


The Alpha Bitch said...

FYI, Bach's Flower Essences are pet safe, and, if you go to Whole Foods, they even have an info card that tells you how to use them for pets.
They have a Sleep Rescue formula that I use, and it does help me some, but I've tried it on Aster and it actually seems to hype her up more. However, I think she may be wired "backwards", like an ADD kid who actually calms down under the influence of stimulants. Might be worth trying with Callie though.

babs said...

That's very good to know. And will add it to the list of possibles. She's got decongestant which have been giving her. And we've started them on the food. Which goes so far okay.

Though making sure Ali doesn't eat hers is tricky.

The Alpha Bitch said...

Okay, this has been making me crazy for days. Joan WHO??? Armatrading? Baez? Osborn? If you said Joni or Janis, I'd know, but I'm feeling like an idiot for not recognizing the salient Joan.

babs said...

Sorry. You're not an idiot. I probably should have clarified which Joan it is and wasn't thinking there were that many Joans to confuse. But it's Baez. Which is probably the Joan I think of first when it comes to Joans who are folk singers.

Anonymous said...

Calliope is lovely.
Hope you're doing well and helping both cats to feel more stable in their living arrangements.

Our cats are being bossed by the new arrival. Can we just say that the leftover bottle of Feliway (feline facial phermone) has been a godsend when they've marked a spot?

babs said...

Thank you for the compliment regarding Calliope. She is very dear.

They seem to be improving and hiding the pill in tuna seems to work best so far.

Adjustments in the household. Yeah, I can see that helping. It's always something.