With all due respect to the Sesame St. character, Count von Count, this will be a counting post. He is probably counting snowflakes in the pic above. And did you know, the Count has a wikipedia entry? I did not. Here it is, as well as the Muppet wiki entry.
--Years between reading Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: 3.
--Shortest distance between reading Harry Potter and seeing the movie based on it: 1 month.
--Next shortest distance between reading HP and seeing the movie based on it: 1 year.
--Books read this year if I count from January-June: 13.
--Books read this year if I count from June-June: 36.
--Number of movies that were nominated for Oscars that I saw this year: 0.
--Next lowest number of movies nominated for Oscars that I saw the year they were nominated: 1.
--Number of movies I have seen in the theater this year (2009): 3
--Number of times I have seen Mamma Mia (counting both movie and stage show): 4.
--Number of times have read Hamlet in both undergraduate and graduate: 9.
--Number of filmed versions of Hamlet have seen: 4.
--Number of staged versions of Hamlet have seen: 1
--Number of times I have read The Book of Margery Kempe for a grad. class: 3.
--Percentage of time that Callie is lap surfing: 50.
--Percentage of time that Allie is lap surfing: 10.
--Percentage of time no cat is lap surfing: 40.
--Number of times I have read Gaudy Night: 3.
--Number of times I have read Possession: 2.
--Number of times I have read Henry V: 0
--Number of times I have seen Branagh's Henry V: 2
--Pairs of boots I have: 5.
--Pairs of black shoes I have: 9, at least.
--Pairs of shoes I wear on a regular basis: 6.
--Number of blue mugs that died this year: 1.
--Number of blue mugs still left: 5.
--Number of mugs that are not blue: Quite a lot.
--Number of cats currently on the desk: 2.
Probably enough counting for now.
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