Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Callie gets her close-up

Yes, finally, Calliope gets a picture shout-out. So, I can assuage my guilt that Alistair has gotten more pics on the blog. Got a new camera obviously. Am still getting used to it. But, this one did turn out quite well. Callie is a punk rocker, Callie is a punk rocker now. I know, awww. And no red-eye either. This is not a staged picture; she does like napping on my chucks.


babs said...

And I did not arrange the shoelaces either.

rj said...

Callie's looking cute. Good job on avoiding the red eye. --rj

babs said...

Were her eyes open more, there would likely be red eye problem.

She is awash with the cuteness.