Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Wondercats at this juncture....

--Alistair is sitting on the desk lying leisurely.
--Calliope was sitting on top of the stereo and has stretched to look at or pounce at or whatever at my Picasso's Flowers print. Yay, fleurs! Now, she's sitting in the basket for printer paper.
--And I'm thinking that it's insane to have two French movies with similar names released within a year of each other. There's Un Couer en Hiver which involves a violin virtuoso and her dysfunctional love affair with a cold dispassionate man who makes violins which came out in 1993. And then there's Conte d'hiver about a man and a woman who have a passionate affair and lose touch until five years pass and they meet again in winter. At which point, the woman is torn between her old and current lover. That came out in 1992. The main difference that I can tell is that the second one might have some happy moments in it as opposed to the first one which seems to be drifting along in a sea of ennui and snow. And that I saw Un Couer en Hiver around that time. Don't remember too much about it except it being not happy and the relationships not being oh terribly sunny.
Yes, I get the winter as metaphor thing. I do, I really do.
--And this would be why I space out watching French films as though they can be good, they tend to move slowly.


Anonymous said...

Ah, so the cats have you fully supervised. That's good.

babs said...

Oh, indeedy, I am supervised and consulted and can't think of another ed verb that works.

I was on the wifty side during the writing of that entry in case that wasn't evident.