Saturday, October 18, 2008

Stuffed Artichoke contest

--So I'm watching Rachel Ray's show, which might perhaps be the first problem here. But, moving on from that part, she had a taste-off with Mario Bartali determining whether the mother-in-law or the wife of a very stupid male made better stuffed artichokes. 'Cause of course, the guy prefers the way his mom makes it and the wife makes it the way her mother makes it. And all of the tradition things that go along with that.
--Secretly, I wanted the wife to win. Sadly, she did not. The mother-in-law did.
--I personally don't think it's a particularly wise move for the husband to go on a tv. show to settle a cooking debate between two women, particularly his wife and his mother-in-law. The fact that everyone's Italian makes it even less advisable in my opinion. But, you know, they didn't ask me which as usual is perfectly fine.
--While watching the background on the piece, I am struck by how unbelievably time consuming and futzy stuffed artichokes looks. Not to mention, messy. Basically, am thinking that if the person you love is making you stuffed artichokes, you should like them just because they put an awful lot of effort on them. Which is slightly problematic on my part. 'Cause am pretty sure that there's an equivalent out there for me that is doesn't matter how it's made it tastes off. Don't know what it is; I'll let you know when I think of it.
--But, the thing that confuses me is that I've never had or heard of stuffed artichokes until today. And I lived in PA and NY. Okay, I get why I never had it at a restaurant in PA since most of them I went to were comfort foody PA. Dutch. But, I went to Marinelli's in upstate NY on a regular basis and don't remember seeing this. Maybe, it's one of those foods that you only get inside the house. But, still, seems odd somehow. Maybe if I'd gone to fancier dinners or something as opposed to pizza or lasagna nights.
--So, is this one of those things that I just somehow missed or if I'd been part of the family, I would've had this multiple times?
--And I have made stuffed mushrooms. Not recently, but I have made them.


Anonymous said...

Ah, but then again we did have artichokes at home once. One of the few times drawn butter ever darkened the doorway. But they weren't stuffed.

I think stuffed mushrooms may be from a region of Italy that didn't get much restaurant time in NYC years and years ago.

babs said...

I do remember having the artichokes with the drawn butter. They were very good.

That's probaably true. I think I only went to a place in Little Italy once. Think it was on Mulberry St.